IEH Academy

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IEH Academy Knowledge Center

The Elements & Practices of Active Managerial Control in Food Safety

Effective active managerial control is critical for ensuring food safety in any food business. This includes identifying and addressing potential risks and opportunities, setting goals and objectives, and implementing strategies and tactics to achieve those goals.

The elements and practices of active managerial control in food safety include:

  • Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP): HACCP is a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating, and controlling potential hazards at specific points in the food production process. This includes identifying critical control points (CCPs) at which a hazard can be controlled or prevented, establishing critical limits for each CCP, monitoring CCPs to ensure they are being controlled, and taking corrective action if a CCP is not being controlled.

  • Standard operating procedures (SOPs): SOPs are detailed, step-by-step instructions for how to safely perform specific tasks or processes. They can help ensure that food safety practices are consistently followed and that potential hazards are identified and controlled.

  • Training and education: It is important to ensure that all employees are trained on food safety practices, including proper food handling and storage, personal hygiene, and emergency procedures. Ongoing education and training can also help employees stay up-to-date on new regulations and best practices.

  • Sanitation: Proper sanitation is crucial for preventing the spread of foodborne illness. This includes maintaining clean equipment and facilities, using approved cleaning and sanitizing chemicals, and following proper hand hygiene practices.

  • Record-keeping: Accurate and up-to-date record-keeping is important for documenting food safety practices and demonstrating compliance with regulations. This can include keeping track of food temperatures, ingredient and allergen information, employee training records, and sanitation logs.

By actively managing and monitoring these elements and practices, food businesses can reduce the risk of foodborne illness and ensure the safety of their products.

Ready to Learn More?

Explore our deep collection of food safety training and eLearning programs in our Food Safety Training Catalog.